Product Information

Mister Lincoln (also sometimes written as Mr Lincoln) has classic dark velvety red blooms on long straight stems with a lovely strong damask fragrance in exhibition form.

The dark, deep red flowers can take on a bluish hue in Autumn with the onset of cool, dewy nights. This bluish colour tint shows up more when the flowers are taken inside for display.

Mister Lincoln performs very well in full sun and is a regular and consistent bloomer throughout the year. It has high quality flowers which last very well when cut for floral arrangements or the show bench. Each flower has approximately 35 petals with a typical diameter of 10 to 14 centimetres.

Mister Lincoln was bred by Herbert Swim and Weeks Rose Growers in 1964, the rose was named an All-America Rose Selections winner in 1965.

Also available as a bush rose.