Winter colour is coming in by the trolley load

We’re filling our benches with flowering Grevilleas, Violas, and colourful curly Kale, along with fragrant Boronias, Daphnes, Hellebores and Hardenbergia. We've just received A huge truck load of Pittosporums and a container full of new season’s pots, water features and bird baths, available at all ASQ Garden & Landscape locations. It is the perfect time to make a green screen or a handsome hedge. These natural barriers are ideal for screening out neighbours, providing beauty and privacy to your garden.

Rose with an armfull of Hardenbergia, also known as Happy Wanderer or Sarsaparilla.


The Hardenbergia, also known as Happy Wanderer or Sarsaparilla, is a much loved native climber. Over the years it been improved and developed to give us cultivars that are mass flowering, bold and long lasting, resilient, and super hardy. We have a beautiful selection available for you.

Our Duo’s offer a delightful combination of both purple and white flowers. When grown on a tripod, they make a beautiful gift. Hardenbergia thrives in a sunny position with some space to spread out. It can be trained to a trellis or tied to a fence, growing up to about 2.5 metres.

These versatile climbers can scramble over tree trunks, cascade down retaining walls, be planted in hanging baskets, or simply ramble and find their own home. Each winter and into spring, they are adorned with gorgeous sprays of colourful blooms.

PITTOSPORUM WONDER SCREEN with Terry hidden behind


Pittosporum Wonder Screen is a new form of Pittosporum perfect for creating a tight, dense hedge. Wonder Screen has delicate, small foliage and gorgeous chocolate brown stems. This variety is easy to clip, grows rapidly, and is highly disease-resistant. Wonder Screen reaches a height of 2 to 3 metres and spreads up to 2 metres wide, ensuring lush growth from the base to the tip.

If you need to screen out Terry like we do,  plant Pittosporum Wonder Screen at a maximum distance of 1.5 metres apart for best results.

Need help with soil preparation? Let our team guide you for a successful hedge planting experience.

Eaglehawk nursery may look a little different as we clean up making space for new developments that are set to transform our site. Despite these changes to our outdoor nursery space ASQ Garden & Landscape Eaglehawk is open and trading as usual.